
Name Category Organism Program, Pipeline Name or Method Name Source Name Download link
RepeatModeler Repeats Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Standard repeatmodeler and repeatmasker pipeline H. glycines Genome Repeatmodeler Repeats genome738sl.polished.mitofixed.fa_.out_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
PA3 Transcriptome on susceptible and resistant soybean Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Trinity transcriptome with Gmap alignment PA3 H. glycines transcriptome. Grown on susceptible and resistant soybean cultivars nematode_transcripts_trinity.fasta_sorted_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Consensus Isoseq Transcriptome from PA3 and TN19 Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap H.glycines Isoseq Consensus isoforms genome738sl.polished.consensus_isoforms_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
NCBI Nucleotide Database Entries Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap NCBI Nucleotide entries for H. glycines nucleotide_mapped_sorted_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
NCBI EST Database Entries Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap NCBI EST entries for H. glycines ests_mapped_sorted_gff_sorted_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Globodera rostochiensis Synteny with H.glycines Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment H. glycines synteny with G. rostochiensis genome (2016) rostochiensis_syntenic_ribbons_txt_gfffixed_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Tandem Duplications Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Red Tandem used one scaffold at a time H. glycines genomic tandem duplications redtandemalljbrowsesort.bed.gz View on JBrowse
High Confidence Horizontal Gene Transfers Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) H. glycines high confidence HGT H. glycines high confidence HGT highconfhgtsorted.bed.gz View on JBrowse
Meloidogyne Incognita Syntenic Regions Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment H. glycines synteny with M. incognita genome (2016) incognita_syntenic_ribbons_txt_gff_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
80 Effector MEME->FIMO motifs Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) MEME of 80 effector proteins, Genes with protein motifs found with FIMO Effector Motifs from the 80 known motifs fimogenessorted.bed.gz View on JBrowse
80 Published Effectors Nucleotide Alignment (GMAP) Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Alignment of 80 Published Effectors Nucleotide alignment with Gmap, default parameters gmapeffectors.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Globodera ellingtonae Synteny with H.glycines Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Braker,Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment H. glycines synteny with G. ellingtonae genome (2017) ellingtonae_syntenic_ribbons_txt_gff_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Meloidogyne hapla Synteny with H.glycines Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment H. glycines synteny with M. hapla genome (2008) hapla_syntenic_ribbons_txt_gff_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Globodera pallida Synteny with H.glycines Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment H. glycines synteny with G. pallida genome (2017) pallida_syntenic_ribbons_sorted_txt_gff_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
LTR Retroelements Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) LTRFinder, RepeatModeler, RepeatMasker, Bedtools Intersect Full length LTR models merged with bedtools. Only those that overlap with repeatmodeler repeats, merged with bed ltrretroelementsclassifiedcut_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
DNA Transposons Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Inverted Repeat Finder,Repeatmodeler, RepeatMasker, Bedtools Full length TIR pairs models merged with bedtools. Only those that overlap with repeatmodeler repeats, merged with bed supportedirfmergeclassifiedscnbasesorted.bed.gz View on JBrowse
Pre-parasitic J2 (PA3) Biorep 1 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) hisat2,samtools,bedtools genomcov,bioawk, bedGraphToBigWig Pre-parasitic J2 (PA3) Biorep 1 View on JBrowse
Helitrons Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Helitron Scanner HelitronScanner default on H. glycines genome helitronnamedsorted.bed.gz View on JBrowse
Genes with promoters containing DOG-box motifs Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) MEME to find Dog Box, BLAST to align GS-like effectors H.glycines Dog-box genes dorsal-likegenessorted.bed.gz View on JBrowse
SNPs across 15 populations of H.glycines Molecular markers (QTL) Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) GATK Best Practices: BWA-mem, Picard, GATK SNPs called from 15 populations of H. glycines sortedrenamed.combined_variants.vcf.gz View on JBrowse
Alignment of 80 published known effector genes (gff3) Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap alignment with default parameters 80 Known effectors Thomas Baum Lab test2.gz View on JBrowse
Falcon Assembled Pacbio RS II subreads (pReads) Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Blasr mapping of Pacbio preads to H.glycines genome Pacbio pread mapping to genome preads2genomegff.gz View on JBrowse
Circular Consensus Pacbio RS II subreads (CCS Reads) Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Blasr mapping of CCS Pacbio reads circular consensus reads assembled with smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936. ccs2genome.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Camtech Raw Pacbio RS II subreads Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Blasr mapping of raw Pacbio subreads Raw Pacbio subreads (TN10) subreads2genome.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
W82_PA3_Eggs Isoseq reads Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX1 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx1_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
W82_PA3_J2/J3 Isoseq reads Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX2 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx2_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
W82_PA3_J4/Adult Isoseq reads Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX3 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx3_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
W82_TN19_Eggs Isoseq reads Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX4 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx4_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
W82_TN19_J4/Adult Isoseq reads Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX5 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx5_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
W82_TN19_J2/J3 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) SmartPortal, Gmap IDX6 Isoseq Baum/Severin sortedidx6_isoforms_present.bed.gz View on JBrowse
Mitochondrial Genes Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) mitos webserver alternative flatworm From genome assembly mitochondria.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
parasitic J2 (PA3) EXF63 (Susceptible soybean cultivar) Biorep 1 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) hisat2,samtools,bedtools genomcov,bioawk, bedGraphToBigWig parasitic J2 (PA3) EXF63 (Susceptible soybean cultivar) Biorep 1 View on JBrowse
Parasitic J2 (PA3) Forrest (Resistant Soybean) Biorep 1 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) hisat2,samtools,bedtools genomcov,bioawk, bedGraphToBigWig parasitic J2 (PA3) Race 3 Forrest (Resistant soybean cultivar) Biorep 1 View on JBrowse
Parasitic J2 (PA3) EXF63 (Susceptible soybean cultivar) Biorep 2 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) hisat2,samtools,bedtools genomcov,bioawk, bedGraphToBigWig parasitic J2 (PA3) EXF63 (Susceptible soybean cultivar) Biorep 1 View on JBrowse
Pre-parasitic J2 (PA3) Biorep 2 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) hisat2,samtools,bedtools genomcov,bioawk, bedGraphToBigWig Pre-parasitic J2 (PA3) Biorep 2 View on JBrowse
Repeat Explorer of TN20 Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) RepeatExplorer2, GMAP SRR3924425 nononsensehashes_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Annotated Gene Models Heterodera Glycines (updated v2) Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Ortholog based Manual Annotations Baum/Severin Labs reworkedfunctionalaugustus_sorted_gff0.gz View on JBrowse
Predicted Proteins from V2 Gene Models Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) braker gene prediction, gff2fasta From genome assembly finalaugustus.pep_.fasta
Annotated Braker Gene Models IPRSCAN Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Interproscan, Swissprot, Uniref Baum/Severin Labs annotatedcorrectlyaugustus_sorted77.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Globodera Ellingtonae Gene Predictions Other multispecies Hisat2, Braker Baum/Severin Labs, GCA_001723225.1, SRR3162514 globoderaellingtonaegenepredictions.gff_.gz
Trinity Transcripts form Gardner et al 2017 Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap alignment NCBI Bioproject PRJNA415980 scngenome.gfzz01.1_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Alignments of genes producing secreted proteins Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Braker genes, SignalP Genes with N terminal secretion signals, and lacking transmembrane domains reworkedfunctionalaugustussecreted_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Transcripts of genes producing secreted proteins Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Braker genes, SignalP and Tmhmm Baum/Severin Labs secretedtranscripts.fasta
Fasta sequences of the 80 published effector genes Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Collected from literature Baum/Severin Labs effector.fasta
X12 genes Genes Placeholder Rick Masonbrink x12genome_sorted.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Input Transcriptome Assemblies to Final Prediction Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) masked Braker2, Class2, unmasked Braker2, Stringtie, RNASpades, Portcullis, Mikado, Cufflinks Masonbrink orderedmergingtestscn.gff3.resortfixed.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Published Effectors via protein-protein alignment Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Diamond Alignment of 80 Published Effectors Protein protein alignment with Diamond, default parameters diamondeffectors.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
tn10 genes Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Placeholder Rick Masonbrink tn10genome.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Genomethreader Alignment of X12 Annotation Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Genomethreader of Published Annotation Liam et al Gene Models, Masonbrink alignment x12genomethreader.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Repeatmasker Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Repeatmodeler Prediction, Repeatmasker Annotation Masonbrink repeatmasker.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
NCRNAs Mikado Prediction Noncoding RNAs Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) mikado prediction of NCRNAs Masonbrink ncrnas.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
EDTA Annotated Transposons Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) EDTA Extensive Denovo Transposon Annotator Masonbrink edtatransposons1.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Tandem Repeats Finder Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Tandem Repeats Finder Masonbrink sortedtrf.bed.gz View on JBrowse
SVIM TN10 Pacbio Structural Variants Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) minimap2 mapping and SVIM Masonbrink svimvariants.vcf.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 SNPS/INDELS Molecular markers (QTL) Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Freebayes 1.1.0, bcftools 1.10.2 filter Masonbrink sortscngenome.tn10sm.vcf.gz View on JBrowse
Ribosomal Genes Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) BLAST of nematode ribosomal genes from NCBI Masonbrink ribocoordsfix.bed.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 H.glycines Pseudomolecule Assembly Sequence Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Falcon, Falcon unzip, Dovetail genomics, Sspace, Juicer/3D-DNA, pilon Masonbrink scngenome.fasta
TN10 H.glycines Pseudomolecule Gene Annotation Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) masked Braker2, Class2, unmasked Braker2, Stringtie, RNASpades, Portcullis, Mikado, Cufflinks Masonbrink orderedscngenepredictions.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 H.glycines Pseudomolecule Functional Gene Annotation Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Interpro, BLASTP NCBI NR, BLASTN NCBI nt, blastx, blastn, blastp to swissprot, Interproscan Masonbrink functionalannotations2.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 H.glycines Pseudomolecule Transcript Sequences Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) cufflinks 2.2.1 Masonbrink orderedscngenepredictions_transcripts.fasta
TN10 H.glycines Pseudomolecule Protein Sequences Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) cufflinks 2.2.1 Masonbrink orderedscngenepredictions_proteins.fasta
Genes with transposon annotations Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) masked Braker2, Class2, unmasked Braker2, Stringtie, RNASpades, Portcullis, Mikado, Cufflinks Masonbrink orderedgeneswithtransposonannotations.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Repetitive Genes that overlap repeatmasker Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) masked Braker2, Class2, unmasked Braker2, Stringtie, RNASpades, Portcullis, Mikado, Cufflinks Masonbrink orderedrepeatsbyoverlap.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
SRR6230586 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
Genes that lack expression Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) masked Braker2, Class2, unmasked Braker2, Stringtie, RNASpades, Portcullis, Mikado, Cufflinks Masonbrink orderednoexpressedmrnagene.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
SRR6230579 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230587 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230583 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230585 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
Compatible RNAseq-- PA3 nematodes on susceptible host -- All Reps Merged Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat, Samtools, Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
80 Effectors Aligned with Gmap Genes Gmap Rick Masonbrink SortedOrderedJustGenesSCNgenome.effector.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
X12 Repeats Genome structure tabix Rick Masonbrink OrderedX12repeatAnnotation.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Combined RNAseq Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat - Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
SRR13711085 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR13711082 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR13711081 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR13711080 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR13711084 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR13711083 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230580 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230581 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230582 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
SRR6230584 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat2 Alignment View on JBrowse
Incompatible RNAseq-- PA3 nematodes on resistant host (Forrest) -- All Reps Merged Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat, Samtools, Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
PA3 J2 Gland RNA-SEQ -- All Reps Merged Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat, Samtools, Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
MM10 J2 Gland RNA-SEQ -- All Reps Merged Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat, Samtools, Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
RNAseq of Preparasitic PA3 nematodes -- All Reps Merged Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Hisat, Samtools, Bedtools Rick Masonbrink View on JBrowse
CDS of V2 Gene Models Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Fasta sequences of CDS V2 gene models From genome assembly gff2fasta.cds_.fasta
Synteny to TN20 genome (ABLA00000000.1) synteny Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Braker gene prediction,opscan orthologue calling, iadhore synteny Monsanto/JGI jgisynteny.bed.gz View on JBrowse
Meloidogyne and Globodera Synteny with H.glycines Genome structure Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Opscan ortholog calling, iadhore syntenic fragment from multiple species merged with bedtools H. glycines synteny with 3 Globodera and 2 Meloidogyne species all.synteny_sorted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
NCBI ESTs Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.HglyEST.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN19 Eggs Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR111798_31.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN19 J2/J3 Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR111798_35.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
PA3 J2/J3 Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR11179833.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
PA3 Eggs Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR11179834.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
PA3 J4/Adult Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR111798_32.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 Draft Genes Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap OrderedSCNgenome738Genes.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN19 J4/Adult Isoseq Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedSCNgenome.SRR1117983_0.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 Pseudomolecule Genes Aligned Genes Gmap OrderedX12GenomeTN10pseudoGenes.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
TN10 Draft Genes Aligned Genes Gmap OrderedX12Genome738Genes.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Gmap Alignment of X12 Genes Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedX12Transcripts2TN10DraftGenome.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Gmap Alignment of TN10 Pseudomolecule Transcripts Genes Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedTN10PseudomoleculeTranscripts2TN10DraftGenome.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
X12 Genome Sequence Other Unknown X12genome.fa
TN10 Draft Genome Other Soybean Cyst Nematode (v2) Falcon Rick Masonbrink genome738sl.polished.mitofixed_YwRLEPj.fasta
Transcriptome Gardner et al 2018 Transcripts Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Gmap Rick Masonbrink OrderedGardnerTranscriptome.gff3_RNbPpFb.gz View on JBrowse
NCBI Nucleotide Other Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 Rick Masonbrink OrderedNucleotide.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
J2_PH7 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 Jiang, Ye, et al 2023 View on JBrowse
J2_NACL Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
J2_PH10 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
J2_PH8.6 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
J2_4.5 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
J2_5.25 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ6_PI88788 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ5_Essex Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ5_PI88788 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ6_PI88788 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ6_Essex Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse
QCSTJ15_PI88788 Gene expression Soybean Cyst Nematode (tn10) Minimap2 View on JBrowse